Must-have Editor Features: An Atom Review
I got an invite for Atom yesterday. I spent a few hours using it, as opposed to Sublime Text 2, my current editor of choice. Here are the features that I consider that my editor must-have and how Atom handles them.
2014 LA Ruby Conf
Last Saturday I had the pleasure to attend LA Ruby Conf for the first time. The conference has two days of workshops, which I did not attend and one day of single-track talks.
Sandi Metz' Revised Rules
I previously wrote about Sandi Metz’ proposed rules. I had the pleasure of hearing her talk about them last week at the monthly SDRuby meeting.
Ruby Block Precedence: An Rspec Gotcha
Recently I came across a spec that didn’t seem to be executing the assertion block passed in to the raise_error expectation. Leaving the bare essentials for the example:
DelayedJob Workers Are Not Thread Safe
I love DelayedJob. It’s my go-to-gem for background processing in Rails, mainly because it works with whatever data store your project already has in place. No need to bring a different dependency just for background processing. However, using
in threads is problematic.