Faster Rspec: jRuby, Spork, Nailgun and Bundler Binstubs
I recently discovered that bundler has a feature to create binstubs, so I decided to redo my benchmarks of running a single pending spec (but including the complete spec_helper for my project).
A Tale Of jRuby Profiling
Recently, I have been working on moving some processes from the request-response web cycle to a MongoMapper-backed Delayed::Job. Everything seem to go smoothly, but it seemed that there was some slowness actually queuing the jobs. Here is how I got to the bottom of it.
Sandi Metz' Rules
Sandi Metz recently was a guest at a Ruby Rouges Podcast to discuss her book Practical Object Oriented Design In Ruby, which I reviewed. I encourage you to listen to the episode.
Code Navigation in Sublime Text 2 With CTags
Do you want to have a shortcut that takes you from a method call to it’s definition, wherever that may be in your code? How about another shortcut to jump back to your previous position. Here is how to do it in Sublime Text 2
List Open Files With lsof
In the UNIX paradigm, everything is a file system. So, it makes sense that there is a utility to work with open files.