arel – A relational algebra library – is the ruby library that that powers ActiveRecord. It provides a lower-level abstraction for working with SQL than ActiveRecord, and typically used when a particular query is not possible with ActiveRecord. Over the years, I’ve reached out for it on occasion. The definitive guide to Arel, the SQL manager for Ruby provides good information if you haven’t used it before.

I was recently working with a complicated query, and spent way more time because I assumed some things about it’s API that turned out to not be true.

Let’s first observe how ActiveRecord::Relations behave:

ar_relation = User.where.not(active_thru: nil)
# =>  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."active_thru" IS NOT NULL

ar_relation.where(id: 5).to_sql
# => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."active_thru" IS NOT NULL AND "users"."id" = 5

# SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."active_thru" IS NOT NULL

Notice how calling a second where on a relation returns a new relations without modifying the original. This allows composing relations in Rails with great effect.

However, that is not true with Arel::SelectManager classes:

table = User.arel_table
arel_manager = table.where(table[:active_thru].not_eq(nil))
# => SELECT FROM "users" WHERE "users"."active_thru" IS NOT NULL

# => SELECT FROM "users" WHERE "users"."active_thru" IS NOT NULL AND "users"."id" = 5

# => SELECT FROM "users" WHERE "users"."active_thru" IS NOT NULL AND "users"."id" = 5

Notice how adding a new where clause modified the original object.

Caveat Emptor