Ruby 2.5 was released a few days ago. Among the new features, Structs gained the ability to be instantiated with using keyword arguments.

Ruby has traditionally had the ability to create a classes that bundle data attributes together, provide accessors for those attributes and other methods like converting into a hash:

Point =, :y)
p =, 3) # => #<struct Point x=2, y=3>
p.x # => 2
p.y # => 3
p.to_h # => {:x=>2, :y=>3}

Notice, that the newly created class is initialized with positional arguments. Often when using Ruby – especially when using Rails, data is passed around in hashes. For example, let’s assume that we are instantiating an instance of a Point inside a controller action using Rails. The instantiation would look something similar to:

point =[:x], params[:y])

As the number of positional arguments grow, this can become tedious. Ruby 2.5 ships with a new feature that allows creating Structs that accept keyword arguments, much like ActiveRecord models do, as described in this feature request.

Point =, :y, keyword_init: true) 1, y: 2) # => #<struct Point x=1, y=2> 2, x: 1) # => #<struct Point x=1, y=2>

There are a few things to note. When using keyword arguments, if a value is missing, it will be set to nil. Additionally, if extra arguments are supplied, an ArgumentError will be raised:

Point =, :y, keyword_init: true) 2) # => #<struct Point x=nil, y=2> 1, y: 2, z: 3) # => ArgumentError: unknown keywords: z

Stuck in an older ruby? You can easily build similar support on your own, which I often do in projects I work on:

module StructKeywordInitialization
  def initialize(args)
    members.each do |field|
      self.public_send("#{field}=", args[field])

Point =, :y) do
  include StructKeywordInitialization
end 1, y: 2)       # => #<struct Point x=1, y=2> 2)             # => #<struct Point x=nil, y=2> 1, y: 2, z: 3) # => #<struct Point x=1, y=2>

We’ve created a new module that takes advantage of the #members method in Struct to define a dynamic initializer. Note that in this version, extra arguments will not raise an ArgumentError. Depending on your application, this might be a better fit or not. It’s left to the reader to make a version that does raise an error with extra arguments.